Mental Health and Addiction

Opioid Analgesic REMS: Moving Forward, Safely & Effectively

The program is posted on and is an initiative that addresses the educational needs in the area of Opioid Analgesics Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). The goals of this initiative address the gaps in knowledge, competence, and confidence of clinicians regarding the appropriate treatment and management of patients with pain and provides a personalized learning experience by utilizing a dynamic mix of reality-based, moderated, clinical discussions regarding specific patient case examples. The moderated activity consists of six (6) short-form, 10-15-minute modules focused on the various aspects of the FDA Blueprint for Opioid Anagesic REMS, utilizing a blend of round table discussions, patient interviews (in mini-documentary form), and medical animation, with augmented reality to support learning.  A personalized spacing and retention strategy built upon a microlearning design, will also support learners’ engagement with the content overtime.  This activity has a national scope targeting healthcare professionals (Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants) who are registered with the DEA to prescribe controlled substances, as well as members of the healthcare team who support the treatment and management of patients with pain but are not authorized to prescribe controlled substances. Purdue University College of Pharmacy (Purdue) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).  It program is accredited by the ACPE.   Other healthcare professionals, i.e. nurses, NPs, and PAs, can apply credit from this activity to their national governing accreditation bodies, ANCC, AANP, and AAPA respectively, since these organizations accept AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME.  If you are interested in this option, the program is located at Opioid REMS: Moving Forward, Safely & Effectively (

Overdose Lifeline Opioid Training

Overdose Lifeline has worked to develop substance use disorder and opioid training, with the goal of helping individuals, professionals, and businesses to better respond to the opioid crisis.  They offer substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid training and continuing education as online self-paced courses, virtual and in-person training, and trainer programs. Each course has a national scope targeting healthcare professionals (Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants) focuses on increasing knowledge and competency around the opioid crisis.  The eight courses are accredited by Purdue University College of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development (Purdue) for ACCME, ACPE, and ANCC accreditation.  Since Purdue is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), other healthcare professionals, i.e. nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs), can apply credit from these courses to their national governing accreditation bodies, AANP, and AAPA respectively, since these organizations accept AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME.

The eight individual course titles are as follows:

  1. ACEs and Trauma in Substance Use Disorder (ATR-SUD) – 1.5 CE credits
  2. Guide to Harm Reduction (GHR) – 3.0 CE credits
  3. Guide to Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery (SUD-TR) – 3.0 CE credits
  4. Layperson Naloxone Administration (LPN) – 1.5 CE credits
  5. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) – 3.0 CE credits
  6. Opioid Public Health Crisis (OPHC) – 3.0 CE credits
  7. Removing the Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder/Addiction (RSS-SUD) – 3.0 CE credits
  8. The Brain and the Disease of Addiction (BDA) – 2.0 CE credits
  9. 20-Credit Certificate Course Bundle
    Some individuals choose to complete the 20-Credit Certificate Course Bundle which requires the completion of ALL eight individual courses plus the Certificate Practicum Assignment (following the successfully completion of all courses).

If you are interested in these optional courses, they are located at