The MPJE Prep Course consists of 2 Online Written Modules:
Federal Law:
The federal law review covers information relevant to pharmacy practice and often provides the foundation for practice. These are the minimum requirements for practice across all jurisdictions in the United States.
Indiana Law:
The Indiana law review covers information relevant to pharmacy practice within Indiana. The MPJE expects you to know the strictest law on a topic; therefore, Indiana information covered is always stricter than the federal laws.
There are 3 timed practice tests - 40-question federal, 40-question Indiana, and 120-questionmock MPJE with answer justifications provided.
You have 90 days to complete this self-paced course.
Registration Fees:
$350 for Practicing Pharmacists
$250 for PharmD Candidate/Graduate
For the full course description and to register for this course follow this link.